
00008--Simple and Complex Plot—Aristotle

Simple and Complex Plot


The plot may be simple or complex.  In a simple plot there are no puzzling situations that enter into a complex plot in particular Peripetia and Anagnorisis.  PERIPETEIA is generally explained as ‘reversal of the situation’ and ANAGNORISIS as ‘recognition’ or discovery.

By ‘a reversal of the situation’  Aristotle means ‘a reversal of intention’, a deed done in blindness defeating its own purpose: a move to kill an enemy recoiling on one’s own head, the effort to save turning into just its opposite, killing an enemy and discovering him to a kinsman.  The discovery of these false moves, taken in ignorance, is ANAGNORISIS—a change from ignorance to knowledge. 

Both PERIPETEIA and ANAGNORISIS please because there is an element of surprise in them.  A plot that makes use of them is complex and ‘a perfect tragedy’ should be arranged not on the simple but on the complex plan.